Thursday, August 09, 2007

The freshness of holiday

What a glorious day this is. The sky reflects the brilliant color of the blue blue ocean. The only breeze we can feel today is the warm bergwind, that brought with it nice warm weather - in the middle of winter, tomorrow it will rain, the locals say.
I am parked in a family restaurant - they have nice large table on which I can pack out all my books, the laptop and other paraphernalia. Mom, Karen and the kids are roaming the mall, and I am studying. Every now and again, Mom appears, sips from my water, stashes a parcel under the table, - then leaves again - a true hunter-gatherer.
I have a beautiful view of the bay, every now and again, I lift my head just to remember that I am at the coast - and not in my study.
Years ago on my first round at varsity, I once took my books to the coast - less diligent than today, the books never got a whiff of fresh sea breeze, never came out of my bag. This round is different. I have been up early in the morning, late at night, I have not been into the nice quaint beach shops, or bought anything to remind me of a few days at the coast, I have been studying. Well I suppose if you mount a wild horse best you hold on for dear life, and ride it till it tires - or be deposited by the wayside.
I am so excited about this breath of fresh air that has been blown into my life. I had coffee with my dear friend Cobie last week, we were together in high school, and are very good friends these days. I could not wait to tell her that I had enrolled to study law - she just quietly smiled and said she new I would one day fulfill my destiny and come to my senses.
I found the prospect of registering daunting, but have to raise my hat to Kovsies, they are as superb as they were when I studied the first time. Very efficient, and supportive, and helpful.
Today reminds me that God must have had so much fun when He made colors yellow,blue, red, green,orange, bright with life and love and energy, looking out at the beach I am filled with owe at how beautiful He created earth, how beautiful our country is, how blessed I am to be able to be on holiday, to be at the beach, to spend time with my family, to just chill.